September! You know what that means right? Autumn! I consider this officially autumn and while Hawaii does not have seasons as much as I would like, I will still enjoy it and look forward to the holiday season. I was walking through Target the other night and noticed a new variety of Oreos. Is it bad to say that I half bought it to share the results with you folks? Ah, you guys are worth it…:)
This sounded really good when I saw it. I also hadn’t eaten yet so….
Here they are in the opened glory. How were they? Gosh, I hate to say it but it’s another dud for me. I really wanted to like it but the filling tastes so dang artificial that I can’t like it. The apple was a very weird waxy apple candy like taste…and I guess the caramel part was fine. I couldn’t shake the artificial apple taste from my mouth for a while so that bothered me a bit. This all could just be me. I hope my co-workers will like it better than I did.
So how did I spend my three day weekend? While I did have productive spurts here and there with housework – I mainly locked myself up and studied. As I explained last post, I am taking two courses this semester. So far, one course is super on it with the syllabus and assignments. The other…I don’t know yet. No syllabus and no assignments just yet. I spent all weekend reading up chapters (reading not necessarily understanding). Status update? Right now I have finished my assignment for this week and just finished the reading for next week. I plan to continue though. I also have to start thinking about the papers and projects we have to do.
My Saturday. Book open. Huge cup of coffee. Netflix sponsored fireplace. It’s awesome. It has a holiday version, plain crackling fire version and a easy listening version. LOL. I love it. You know what my brother asked me? Is there a season 2? Hahaha insane.
This is how everything looked yesterday. This was after I made a trip to Target to up my studying supplies. This is very similar to how things looked today. I hope you folks are all having a great three day weekend!
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