Mixed Plate

Time to bring back mixed plate posts! Happy Aloha Friday!

This is very much part of being my friend. I found this online and had to get it for my friend’s birthday. If you haven’t seen it…the box actually contains air to blow up the balloon (not helium) so you make the giftee press the big red button and it blows up the balloon. Do you know what OLD AF means? One of the waitresses actually asked me what it meant and I couldn’t bring myself to give her the answer…until her coworker came by and said it straight out (Ha!).

So OLD AF means…Old as F**k. My friend and I just love ribbing each other on age. We are the same age but he likes calling me noona when my birthday comes and I am a few months older than him. Haha…I loved embarrassing him in the restaurant. Was WELL WORTH THE COST.

Saw this online the other week and thought it was pretty cool. I guess if you already have these kind spices in your cabinet, you can just make your own seasoning mixes! I also found it interesting to know what is actually in these mixes! Handy key.

Another neat TikTok recipe. Doesnt it sound refreshing? So easy too. I bought a bottle of sprite (either 20 oz or 16 oz) and stuck two tea bags into the bottle…closed the lid and place it in the fridge to “marinate.” I think I did it for two days and yes, the sprite turns into a nice light golden color. No bitterness at all from the tea bags…added some lemon slices and voila…black tea sprite. So good!!

Okay this one is a bit of a tip and secret. I don’t know about you guys but I was sweating it out finding clorox wipes (still hard to find!). I’ve lucked out twice so far at Costco…when I was there and they had a small pallet out.

I’ve been watching Amazon and they sell out of the wipes quite easily too. They sell three bottles (versus the five pack at Costco) for about $12.00, not as great as a deal as Costco but I will take what I can find. Well let me tell you, they sell it in these soft packs too for the same price and amount. For some reason, people snap up the canisters but these soft packs have been available this whole time. Here’s the link to it if you want to purchase some for yourself: click here.