Dang, my favorite jajangmyun is no longer being served at Palama Supermarket! It looks like they revised their entire menu and carry a lot less stuff now. I would say they now only serve very typical Korean BBQ take-out dishes which saddens me. I hope they one day carry these noodles again. Since I was already there, I got their bibimkooksoo. I gotta say, it was a pretty good deal! They give a lot! Check out the pics.
When they built the new Palama market,in kalihi, they no longer run the kitchen like they used to. I miss the old crew and menu! Business in general looks pretty slow. The food doesn’t impress me much.
Hey Anon. You are so right. It’s so different now. The store itself is so slow – I wonder how they stay in business. Their parking is terrible too!
Wow thanks for posting I want! I want! I’ve been jonesing for it, and will try to get there next town day. This is my fave food next to the ribs. Was this take out or the serve yourself buffet? How much?
Hey N! Yes! Go give it a try this week! This is from their take-out snack corner…and it was only about 6 bucks so I thought it was a great deal!
I believe the king street markets take out counter is run now by a concession not the store like before.The prices on everything in the market have risen a lot and I’m sure affected business.
I think you’re right Anon. Now that I look back on my recent visits, everything you buy has to be purchased at the booth. They used to sell the same items in the store or at the booth. Kinda sad. I like Queen’s Supermarket more for kimchee but everything else is lacking there. I wish they could do a like refresh for the store.
Definitely, sometimes I want a cheap lunch on the go when I’m done in town and fast food is over $8 for a burger and fries.
As I’ve told Jalna, I am always rushing to get outta town before the rush hour traffic starts which is about 2 pmish on the ewa end and this looks good enuf to grab and go…and be filling.
Great great job telling us, Jenny. -N
Yeah! You’re right, combo meals are so expensive now. So in this case, I think this is a good deal. The other plates are definitely more pricey but the bibimkooksoo is always a good price.
Did you get to try this out yet? If so, please share!
Thanks for reading and commenting, N.