Leaving on a Jet Plane…

I am finally taking a trip! A well-deserved rest from work and school…and I’m heading off to Hong Kong! The past few months have been interesting, still trying to find my ground. Considering continuing school in spring but seriously lacking the motivation right now. Ah! I got off-track again, so sorry. If there are any readers left, I hope you do bear with me. I’m hoping to do some updates from Hong Kong through Instagram. So if you’re interested in following along, please do check me out at: maybeitsjenny on IG!

I leave you with one of my favorite shots from an airplane ride. I don’t usually get to take pictures on the ride because I always take the aisle seat. Hope you are all doing well!

4 responses to “Leaving on a Jet Plane…

  1. jalna

    Yippeee!!! Looking forward!

  2. oooooh! Hong Kong = shopping, shopping, shopping!


  3. Arlene

    Hi Jenny, I miss your posts! Hopefully you’ll have some time and inspiration soon to feed your blog fans’s hungry appetites!

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