Mixed Plate Friday

Australian Chips | Burger Rings

Australian Chips | Twisties Cheese

My co-worker went to Australia and I asked if she could bring me back some snacks. I am always very curious how other countries do their snacks! Well, I will go ahead and say that the grand ole USA does chips better. I don’t know what the best chips are in Australia, but these are not it. The burger chips, I was so excited! It kind of just tastes like MSG and steak sauce or something. You know? And the twisties? No. It’s like worst Cheetos. I really appreciate the gift and all the way from down under but I just wasn’t a big fan…or maybe I’m just used to American junk food?

Ever heard of oat groats? Me neither. I saw a post on Facebook (uh-oh) and he was mentioning how he wanted to eat less rice so he gave a recipe on how to prepare oat groats with bulgar wheat. I followed it to a T, that recipe didn’t work out. But what I ended up doing the second time was just rinsing these oat groats off, I cooked 2 cups (the rice measuring cups) and filled the water line in my rice cooker to 2.5 cups and there we have it. I don’t mind it! It’s kind of like brown rice but it’s oats…you might find a husk here and there but just spit it out and you’re good to go. I ordered this off amazon because I am not sure where to find it locally. Have you folks tried this before?

10 responses to “Mixed Plate Friday

  1. vickinags

    I wonder if your co worker just randomly picked or did people tell her they were the most popular. Interesting.
    Since every. single. person. I know has been going to Japan, we get so many Japanese snacks and some are very different. Ahhh, just a bag of kakimochi is the best! Doesn’t even have to be the expensive fancy kind…conbini daisuke!

    • Jenny

      I actually looked up the most popular ones and chose these two lol.

      yes everyone is going Japan! Summer is the last time I would go. But the dollar so strong so I get it. Can’t go wrong with any food from Japan!

  2. kat

    you might be able to find groats at Down to Earth.

  3. Give me the good old Cheetos (puffed), and I am a happy camper.

  4. jalna

    Never heard of oat groats. Sounds interesting. Thanks for the info. I think I’ll pass.

  5. N.

    Having parrots, oat groats is a key component of parakeets, lovebirds and cocktiels (i.e. parrolets) seed diet. Pet stores do sell them separately, Kalihi Pets. Never thought people actually ate them.

    • Jenny

      Omg N this made me laugh out loud. One of my friends calls health food bird food and here I am literally eating bird food! I don’t think can bring myself to buy it from a pet store for my own consumption lol

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