Happy March!

Hi everyone! It’s already March! And you know what that means? I am weeks away from my vacation! Oh my god! Yes, I only came to that realization today…haha! I haven’t done any planning. I know, this is bad. I’ve been so blah about everything lately, not sure what it is. It’s spilled over to my school work, work, and just general living. Trying my best to get out of this slump! I’ve had some super senior moments lately. I went to Waikele last weekend to buy things, and I found a pair of shoes I liked and the holder said my size but when I got home, the actual pair of shoes was a totally different size. I usually check everything so meticulously. Serves me right because now I have to drive myself back there to exchange it. I hope they even have my size left! Then I ordered some clothes online and they came in this week and I order two of the same exact tops. UGH. If I were to return it, I would have to send it back to me. The Chinese in me does not want to pay to get something returned, ahhh what to do.

Well just wanted to wish everyone a Super Sunday and I hope you folks have a great week!

150301-01Our coworker went to a wedding and since everyone flew in from the mainland for the wedding so he got to keep all the flower centerpieces. Isn’t this beautiful?? I was able to keep one of them and it was sooo nice to look at this everyday. I think I should start buying fresh flower bouquets every week. They’re not too pricey and I get to look at something pretty to lift my mood.

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