Lucky Box Restaurant – Kalihi, HI

Lucky Box Restaurant opened a few months ago in the Waiakamilo Shopping Center. It’s like a local BBQ joint run by Chinese (aren’t they all?). I had a serious hankering for cold ginger chicken this day and Liliha Drive Inn didn’t have it (FOILED) so I went to Lucky Box! Short post ahead.

Pork Chop with Gravy (mini) | $9.99

Ho brah, super salty. If you need one salt lick, get this dish. And the pork chop itself was kind of dry. I wouldn’t get this again.

Cold Ginger Chicken (mini) | $9.89

I didn’t get a picture of the ginger sauce for this. It comes in one of those small dressing containers, looks small but works fine for the dish. If they had given me more, I would have just slathered everything in it. I really enjoyed this dish, it hit the spot and I super appreciated all the dark meat pieces! Yum!

8 responses to “Lucky Box Restaurant – Kalihi, HI

  1. N

    I don’t know why they so manini with the ginger sauce, when did that happen. Olden days da buggah was slathered with it and now they charge extra for the teeny tiny cup. My ex’s auntie made it without the oil cuz she said it was healthier and it was really good. She gave me the recipe but I never made it so it’s just a faint memory. Lucky Box is very popular cuz it’s cheap and good. They make an ono steak.

    • Jenny

      Right?? That sauce not even that expensive to make! Man it would have been nice to have the extra sauce to eat with the rice too.

      Wow, one without oil? I would have loved to try that! Do you recall what made it saucy? Water? I’m so curious! I gotta try the steak next time!

  2. Foodie friend

    You suppose to get
    The chicken katsu!
    Like you were told;)

  3. Their cake noodles look good! So this place is in the parking area by McDonalds? Easy peasy, thanks!

  4. kat

    looks reasonable, bummer the pork was too salty

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