Manoa Eats

I just wanted to share some recent eats on the UH Manoa campus. We’ve got some good eateries on-campus but here’s a quick post on a sort of hit and miss.

140322-01Thai Poke Bowl from Stirfresh. It sounded good at first, a thai version of poke on a bed of rice. It did not work. The lime, the cilantro, and red onions did not work well with the ahi. By the time I dug in, the fish was kind of heating up with the rice. The texture of the fish was not good. Not recommended.

140322-02Veal Cutlet from Simply Ono

140322-03My first time having veal! It wasn’t great but it definitely wasn’t bad. Tasted a bit like pork – it had a lot of herbs, not sure how much I loved that. I think a little goes a long way.

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