Mixed Plate Friday

How’z it! I was excited to see that 711 was going to sell Chinese restaurant kine dim sum in their stores! They partnered with Yung Yee Kee. Not sure if this is limited time or for a long time, also…it’s not like it’s identified as the collaboration packs. You gotta just look at the packaging and make the assumption like I did.

Half Moon & Har Gow (Shrimp Dumpling) Pack | $5.59

Kind of pricey yeah? Well dim sum can be kind of pricey and I gotta say, this was pretty good. I found it in the cold case so I had to heat it up in the microwave when I got home. Heated up nicely and the skin was nice and soft, I enjoyed both very much!

Sticky Rice in Lotus Leaf | $3.99

Okay the last picture looks bad but that’s not a bug, I promise. It’s just a chunk of the filling on top of the rice. I don’t know if you can tell but the portion of the rice is kind of small. I liked it though, tasted great and I liked that it didn’t stick to the leaf at all.

Furikake Chicken | $11.52 (tax included)

I was out in Kaneohe and finally got to try KJ’s Local Grindz furikake chicken! They are known for it, was a bit disappointed they don’t make it as a musubi anymore. Remember when 711 used to sell the chicken musubis, now it’s hard to find chicken musubi. I loved them. Anyway, this was delicious! I can see why they are known for the furikake chicken. The spaghetti mac salad is cool too, though for me…a bit bland. If you’re ever out there, give them a try!

8 responses to “Mixed Plate Friday

  1. vickinags`

    i just picked up a ton of baked char siu bao and dim sum from Sing Cheong Yuen yesterday. So good. I keep forgetting that 7-11 has dim sum now. I better try, but that pricing looks few cents more than SCY.

    • Jenny

      Man, where you go park when you go Sing Cheong Yuen? I think I can definitely head back out there now that Mooncake season is pau. Chinatown, it’s been so hard to walk through it. The homeless there seem just more unhinged now, I never had fear walking through Chinatown before.

      • Vickinags

        I work in town so walk over but do take note that there is usually some street parking nearby just before 7 when they open. After that, foggiest
        It is scarier now. Very conscious of who is around me and hold my bag thinking how to fend off a purse snatcher or mugger. What did Chinatown become

        • Jenny

          Yes, please stay safe when you go! I think I got yelled at by 2 homeless the past time I went…all unprovoked. I feel bad for the merchants out there…

  2. jalna

    I think that whoever manages our 7Elevens are doing it right.

  3. kat

    everything looked great! my fave chicken musubi is from tanioka’s, their mochiko chicken musubi 🙂

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