Mixed Plate Friday (Seattle & Canada)

Sorry folks, no food pictures in this post. I just wanted to share some random photographs I took from Seattle and Canada. I really enjoyed this trip and can’t wait to return!

Space Needle! We did not visit it but it was nice seeing it from afar haha

View from our Richmond AirBNB window. This was like at 9PM. That was wild to me. I can never get used to late sunsets!!!

Vancouver Chinatown Entrance Gate – we did not have a good experience here (lol). I enjoyed Richmond much more!

I really enjoyed our stay at Whistler. It’s so beautiful there during the Spring, I can only imagine how beautiful it is blanketed in snow. Bucket list is to visit Whistler one day in the snow! I love the small town village feel even though the fire alarm went off in the middle of the night (false alarm).

Mount Rainier

Finally got a shot of Mount Rainier during one of our many drives. Pretty yeah? We didn’t get to visit but it was so pretty to admire from afar.

6 responses to “Mixed Plate Friday (Seattle & Canada)

  1. vickinags

    gorgeous shot of Mt. Ranier! Wasn’t snowing but 1st time I saw ice on the ground. I was about 10 years old! Get this: Seattle Space Needle was constructed for the World’s Fair which we went to! I’m so old!

  2. kat

    beautiful photos! want to visit seattle & this part of canada one day.

  3. My daughter lives in Seattle. It is beautiful in the spring, summer, and fall. I am proud of how she adapted to living away from Hawaii, which she really loves and misses.

    • Jenny

      Oooh would your daughter ever return to Hawaii? I’d love to live in a climate where there are four seasons…want to experience at least once!

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