Recipe: Dry Hot Pot

Is this really a recipe? I can’t say it is, I really just followed a TikTok video and threw choke things into a pot. What is a dry hot pot? It’s basically all the things you would eat in a hot pot but without the hot soup. The way I ended up making it, it had plenty liquid so really you are just eating hot pot in my mind. Well, Chan and my brothers all seemed to really enjoy it so it was a hit! I’ll just show pictures of the ingredients I threw in. If you really want a recipe, let me know lol.

I got the thinly sliced beef from H-Mart. This was the most expensive thing in the dish – I went for the leaner cuts.

I bought the unseasoned aburage from Don Quijote – I sliced it up and threw it in. I love adding this to dishes that are saucy because the tofu just soaks up all the flavor! Yum.

Enoki mushrooms and boy choy

King oyster mushrooms. Yeah, this was an expensive dish to make. All these mushrooms were expensive!

Chinese cabbage and the stems of the boy choy, I saved the bok choy leaves to the end because they cook the quickest!

My favorite fish balls hands down. Fish balls with roe! I had to buy these in the frozen section of Don Quijote too.

Dried beancurd sheets. I was about to buy the beancurd sticks because I am used to those in Chinese cooking but I really don’t like how hard and chewy those can be so I decided to go with the sheets.

I heated up some water and then threw the sheets in and let them rehydrate. I am happy with my decision to buy sheets and will do so in the future as well!

I’ve been looking for these noodles a long time. If you wanted to search for it, it’s usually called knife cut noodles or in this case, sliced noodle.

Just a fun-ner noodle to eat. I love it! I found these at H-mart.

This is the main seasoning of the dish. I used both packs in this, it gives the dish the mala hot pot flavor. Must be used! I also got this from H-mart.

Sorry, this is just me showing you that I literally just threw everything into the pot. Yup, the whole block of meat right on top. The final product is up top. It was very time consuming to prep this dish and it was pretty pricey, I don’t know how often I will make this dish. Maybe once in a while since Chan and the brothers enjoyed.

10 responses to “Recipe: Dry Hot Pot

  1. vickinags

    i want to try! got everything I love, except never had fish balls (sounds naughty) and that sauce!
    how spicy? I love spicy but was thinking of making for my family dinner this Sunday so my mom and sister don’t like too spicy. (sux to be them if it is, LOL)

  2. Nyh

    Cool looking noodles. How do they taste? -N

    • Jenny

      The noodles are nice! I cooked them a little under cause I knew it would cook more in the pot. I also like just mixing these noodles with a homemade sauce. Love the texture of the curly noodles, I want to buy more!

  3. Kat

    one pot cooking is the best!

  4. Looks super great but too much work for lazy me.

  5. vickinags

    you must have bought all the noodles cuz i went to look and found the sauce but they were sold out of the noodles! I was going to try check Chinatown this week
    Is this a rice noodle? chow fun type?

    • Jenny

      Yes! I bought the last pack when I was making this hot pot but haven’t seen it back in stock yet! If you ask for knife cut noodles or knife slice noodles, they will know what to asking for! I buy the dried kine.

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