Recipe: Kona Inn Banana Bread

Hi everyone! So sorry for the unannounced break. This is peak busy season for me at work so it’s just been super hard. I also haven’t been eating out with good food lately so even moreso I don’t have much to post. Might be more mixed plate posts than not. I hope you folks are all doing well! I’m actually heading to Korea at the end of October and while that sounds like I have a lot of time, I really don’t (lol). Time has been flying by and October is in DAYS.

Before I get into the recipe, I can announce that KCC 220 Grille is currently back in service! Go support the culinary students and get some onolicious wallet-friendly food! Here is the link:

Anyway, quick recipe post. Someone posted this recipe on Facebook – it was definitely a picture of an old school recipe book. Everyone was raving about it so I just had to make it.

Doesn’t look super good ah? Like…looks dry almost. I was not convinced. Not until I tried it. Oh my gosh, this bread is so nice and banana-y and super moist, dense but not too dense you know? This is how I found the pan at work…

Insane that people don’t throw things into a rubbish can that is like 2 feet away. I don’t know what to tell you! But safe to say it was a winner. I actually shared 3 loaves with the office and all three were gone in an INSTANT. Here’s the recipe!

Kona Inn Banana Bread

Original Recipe

1 C butter
2 C sugar
6 or 7 ripe bananas, mashed
4 eggs, well beaten
2 ½ C all-purpose flour, sifted
1 t salt
2 t baking soda

Cream butter and sugar thoroughly; add bananas and eggs. Sift dry ingredients; blend into creamed mixture. DO NOT overmix. Pour into two greased 9 x 5 inch loaf pans. Bake in a preheated 350 degree oven for 45 to 50 minutes.

4 responses to “Recipe: Kona Inn Banana Bread

  1. Just what I needed – a simple and ono recipe for banana bread, one of my favorites! I have plenty frozen bananas. Will they work? They are already soft when defrosted and taking up so much space in my small freezer.

    And thanks for letting us know about 220 Grille! I love that place – ono and cheap. But when they say ready in 15 minutes, they mean 45.

    • Jenny

      Hahaha I hope the frozen banana works! I don’t see why not!

      Yes I definitely give them time to make the food, we are working those culinary students!

  2. kat

    not a lot of ingredients, sounds like a winner

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