Recipe: Spam Musubi

Spam in all its glory

I know what you’re thinking, a recipe for spam musubi? Is that really needed? And guess what? This is not even a real recipe, it’s a total lazy day/cheat recipe. However, I am always curious about how people make their spam musubi! I found this new way to make it and wanted to share! Please feel free to share any recipes you are willing to in the comments!

Yup, the secret ingredient.
Boil up and down, get that sauce nice and thick!
Pretty generous with the rice…(nice photobomb from Hurricane Popcorn in the back)
Generous with the slices of spam too. Makes you want to be my friend and have a picnic right? A picnic for me to bring the spam musubi!

Spam Musubi

1 12 oz. jar of Halm’s Hawaiian Bar-B-Que Sauce

2 cans of Spam

5 Cups of Cooked White Rice

6 full sheets of Nori, cut in half (vertical, long way)

Spam musubi maker

Makes: 12 Musubi

Cut 8 slices of spam per can, you should have 16 slices at the end. Pan fry each slice of spam both sides in batches (if it doesn’t all fit in the pan you have). Place all the spam slices back into pan (it’s okay if they are stacked on each other), pour entire jar of Hawaiian Bar-B-Que sauce, lower heat to medium and allow sauce to thicken. Occasionally turn over spam slices to make sure each slice gets nicely sauced up. 

Use your spam musubi maker and layer rice and spam slice according to your taste! Wrap with nori and EAT!

Note: 5 cups of rice made 12 musubis perfectly! Eat the leftover spam slices as a side dish for another meal! Delish and kids love it!

10 responses to “Recipe: Spam Musubi

  1. kat

    that is a LOT of sauce, but it must taste ono, thanks for sharing!

  2. Yahbrah

    We us low sodium Spam only and slice it thinner-12 slices per can. Then pan fry in nonstick pan until browned and crisp. Can add guava jelly as glaze for those who don’t require crispy Spam. If we are hungry NOW, the rice and spam are slapped on the nori without molding or shaping into the traditional rectangle. Kinda like soft taco style. Eat over the sink, no plate or plastic/wax paper wrap needed.

    • Jenny

      Yes! Lower sodium spam is perfect for this especially with marinade! Guava jelly? Sounds like perfect combo of sweet and salty!

      I like the hungry now recipe too, lol! Thanks so much for sharing! Hopefully more folks share so we can see the different recipes!

  3. vickinags

    that’s how I make mine…with the sauce, but I don’t use the whole bottle. Too cheap. I also put takuwan slices and sprinkle furikake too. And sometimes fried egg.

    • Jenny

      Omg now that you and kat brought it to my attention, I really wasted the sauce. Well I have it in a big bowl with the leftover slices of spam. Gonna try make fried rice with it!

      I like the toppings you add! A perfectly fried egg where the yolk is still kind of soft sounds heavenly…

  4. There is something about spam musubi that hits the spot. I use Bob’s Barbeque sauce from their drive inn and only enough to cover the bottom of the pan so I have plenty left for other things. The owner said they use it on all the foods – bbq chicken, hamburger, short ribs, etc. and EVERYTHING is ono over there.

    I also watched how Teruya’s Bento (on Pensacola) made theirs and they fry it first and then dip in sauce, but I find it comes out too dry and salty when I do that (but theirs is very good).

    Surprisingly, 711 has good spam musubi when I am too lazy to make my own.

    • Jenny

      Oh I’m gonna have to try Bob’s BBQ sauce! I hardly go there. So funny that such a common dish has so many different ways to make it! Thanks for sharing Aunty!

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