Retirement Coffee Hour

We recently had a coffee hour for our director that retired in December.  Gosh, December was such a blur but I would take home cooked food over take out food any day!  This day was filled with so many home made goodies, I just wanted to share them!

140111-01This looks professional but was homemade!  There were black bean sauce in these noodles, very good. A lot of pictures are coming in this post, you have been warned!  Continue reading

Coffee Hour

So I shared my Hawaiian Style Breakfast Casserole recipe last week, now I just wanted to share the rest of the goodies from the coffee hour!  Graphic heavy!

131112-01Buttery Vanilla Bundt Cake – my favorite dessert of the day!  It’s like a vanilla version of Kahlua Cake.  Have you folks had kahlua cake?  It’s like eating the most moist chocolate cake ever.  Maybe I’ll share more pics of kahlua cake later! 

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