Retirement Coffee Hour

We recently had a coffee hour for our director that retired in December.  Gosh, December was such a blur but I would take home cooked food over take out food any day!  This day was filled with so many home made goodies, I just wanted to share them!

140111-01This looks professional but was homemade!  There were black bean sauce in these noodles, very good. A lot of pictures are coming in this post, you have been warned! 

140111-02Kalua Pork!  Homemade and some of the best I’ve had in my life.  Our office is so lucky.

140111-03Pork hash and half moon from Chun Wah Kam. Did not taste good. The half moon was way better than the pork hash though. There are two types of pork hash, a localized version which is basically a block of non-descript meat in a thick won ton pi. Then, there is the awesome Chinese restaurant version which includes chunks of pork, shrimp, mushroom and is flavorful and soft.  Sorry to go off on a tangent.  I just want to say that if you want the good pork hash, this is not it.

140111-04Mini Manapua. These were char siu, looks like they were being a little creative since it was close to Christmas.
140111-05My baked sushi!  Hehe, kinda dark pictures but the bottom of the picture is a basket of Korean nori.

140111-06Fresh veggies with various dips and Clam dip with chips.

140111-07Spinach Rolls!  Always a good go to dish for pot lucks, and always gone by the end!

140111-08Fuji Apple Dessert. Delicious and refreshing! Always a winner.

140111-09Chocolate Chip Bundt Cake.  A fellow building worker made this and brought it in, how nice yeah??

140111-10Drool…Kamehameha Bakery Poi Glazed Donuts…

140111-11So moist and lemony!  I love this.  I’m sure it’s also very bad for you but it’s okay.  I give everyone permission to eat it.  Hahaha

140111-12Butter mochi!  Golden and delicious.

140111-13I loved these Zucchini Squares. It’s a savory dish and I just love the seasonings in it.  I should ask my co-worker for the recipe.

140111-14Mini Banana Muffins


2 responses to “Retirement Coffee Hour

  1. renee

    Could you please post the zucchini square recipe?

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