Mixed Plate Friday

Lee Kum Kee Sriracha Chili Sauce

This is a very niche post. I really enjoy the chili sauce packets from Panda Express, it’s not like sriracha so I wasn’t sure where I can find it myself. I know Lee Kum Kee makes the chili sauce for Panda Express but I don’t know if it’s then just Panda’s proprietary product you know? I decided to buy this hot sauce in the store even though it has the word sriracha in it and guess what? It’s close enough for me! To me it tastes like the Panda Express chili sauce so woohoo! I gotta buy more bottles now lol.

Holy Grail Donuts (4 pack) | $18.00
From top left; clockwise: Hail Mary (cardamom, rose), Hot Single (local honey, flakey sea salt), Original Sin (real maple, smoked coconut and Hawaii sea salt), Hot Single (again)

After dinner in Ward, I wanted to treat Chan to Holy Grail since he has never tried before! I had to eat the hot single while it was hot because these folks make it fresh! Chan really liked the hail mary, I wasn’t around when he tried the other flavors. I better ask how he liked them not fresh. Pretty pricey at $18 for 4 donuts and of course their register system automatically asks for tip. Sigh. Also FYI, they do not take cash.

Ba-Le Sandwich Shop Phoggie | $14.00
U.S. wagyu beef, house-made “pho” mayo, thai basil, red leaf lettuce, shaved onions, cilantro, fresh jalapeno, pho dipping broth

I’ve loved the Phoggie sandwich for many years but haven’t been able to try it in a while. They sell it here at the UHM campus and also at La Tour Cafe. While I’m sure the La Tour version is fancy, it costs $5 more there than at UHM. I’ll go for UHM! We watched a student order it and ask for extra mayo…what a great tip! What a game changer, this is one messy sandwich to eat especially since you gotta dip it in the pho broth! So delicious, definitely worth the price! My coworker at it two days in a row lol.

Mixed Plate Friday

Island Glazed Assorted Donuts

I’ve been wanting to try Island Glazed for such a long time but they are located out in Aiea and I am never out there so imagine my surprise when we got a special treat surprise at work! And we got a mix of their coolest flavors! So thankful to work with such nice people. They have really interesting flavors like strawberry mango, lihing pineapple, etc. Good donuts! The office ate them up!

Mixed Mushroom Crisps | $8.78

I’ve talked about this brand before because when I went to Korea, the sold their garlic bread potato wedges at Costco and that was GOBBLED up. No garlic bread potato wedges in the U.S. (yet) but I found these mixed mushroom crisps at Sam’s Club! It’s very interesting. Similar to the wedges, the mushrooms are whole but somehow taste hollow? How do I explain that? You bite into it and it’s a bit hard to crunch down onto but it just doesn’t have a solid meaty mushroom structure. Hard to explain, you gotta try it yourself. Interesting taste, strong umami! Give it a try at Sam’s Club while we still have it!

Le’s Banh Mi – Saigon Special add Roast Pork | $11.50 + $2.00

Yes, I went back again (lol) but this time I wanted to show you a cross section of this glorious sandwich. Yummy…

Mixed Plate Friday

Vietnamese Dish

I don’t know what these dishes are called lol. The top I’d like to just called crystal dumplings because I had a variation at a restaurant before but this one was basically filled with a big dried shrimp that has been rehydrated. Definitely needed the dipping sauce for the dumpling. The bottom two pieces, very sticky mochi rice balls. Similar to cha gor if you’ve had it, they are usually filled with a savory filling. This one had a savory filling too but nothing like the cantonese ones I get. It was good and nice to try! Not sure I would try this particular one again…

The next picture is the reason why I wanted to go to Chinatown in the first place. In fact, I may have gotten a red light ticket for this trip. I honestly was in the intersection to turn left and when I reglanced at the light, it was at a full red. The light went so fast that I even question if I ran it but I would never go on a red so let’s see how it goes. Can’t sweat it unless it happens.

Anyway, as usual, I got this craving from TikTok. Nem Chua is a fermented pork or beef dish. Everyone who ate it made it look so scrumptious but a lot of people are put off by the color of this dish – but also put off that this dish starts with raw pork or raw beef and does not get cooked with heat. It is basically fermented so it’s akin to like cured meats like salami. I didn’t let anything deter me.

Nem Chua from New Cholon

Not sure how much these were each – but I paid $5.50 for 4 pieces. I got two beef (top row) and two pork (bottom row). Not sure why the pork ones get more garnish but it’s okay. I made Chan try it with me, he was not too excited but took one for the team.

We tried the beef one first and I actually super enjoyed it. It has a bit of sour sweet taste due to the fermenting but I enjoyed the texture especially with the strips of pork rind mixed in. I saved the pork one for last and eh….I didn’t enjoy it as much as the beef one. The beef one seemed to have a bit more texture in the beef while the pork one is pressed so hard that it’s like a meat block. No real texture. I also decided just to go for the chili pepper on the pork one and I think I stopped existing as a human being for a full 10 minutes while Chan just laughed and shook his head.

I enjoyed trying both but I wouldn’t make a special trip back out just to get it. Maybe if I were in Chinatown, I would definitely pop in to grab a few of the beef ones. Yum!

Mixed Plate Friday

No. (Don’t go shopping hungry)

Remember the huge tree that fell over onto Keeaumoku/Kapiolani during the heavy rains for that ONE day? That was so crazy because I drive there all the time! Freaked me out a bit. I took a picture of it the day after as I was driving there (proof I drive there all the time lol). Isn’t that crazy? And the way it’s planted, I think it might belong to Pacific Guardian. I really hope no one was harmed because that tree looked like it crushed at least 2 cars.

Le’s Banh Mi – Saigon Special add Roast Pork | $11.50 + $2.00

When I say that Le’s Banh Mi is the best on the island, please take me seriously. I don’t think you can get a better banh mi anywhere else. We’ve talked about this. Have you tried them yet? They make their own bread and it’s so soft and light yet crispy. And the toppings, I love their pate and the roast pork is chef’s kiss. I just give them a call before I head in to get it…takes them about 10 minutes and it’s ready when I’m there! This was even good reheated because we couldn’t eat it right away.

Mixed Plate Friday

Fort Street Cafe Pad Thai with Garlic Chicken | $12.45

We did a lunch order in Downtown recently, this wasn’t my dish but man oh man I got to eat a piece of the garlic chicken. They still do it so well. I think the pad thai is a bit sweeter than most, maybe I would just go for the garlic chicken.

Wowsers. I was at Windward Mall and decided to try a beef corndog. This was pricey, I think it came out to about 12 bucks for the hot dog and drink combined but boy oh boy was it good. A freshly fried corndog, I haven’t had that in eons. It was so good. Worth it!

Fukuya Nori Chicken and Cone Sushi

No prices on this because I got to eat it for free! I haven’t had Fukuya in a long time, nori chicken is good as always and the cone sushi is bumboocha! Nori chicken is so good, always worth it to buy outside because prepping and frying this on your own is a major pain.

Recipe: Thit Kho (Vietnamese Braised Pork Belly with Eggs)

I’ve seen Thit Kho up and down social media and usually from Vietnamese folks who were raised eating this so they were I guess tired of being served it? Excuse me! This dish looked delicious to me and I don’t think I’ve seen it on menus here so I knew I had to try to make it myself. The stars aligned for me one day, I saw quail eggs at Costco and got myself the skinless pork belly, game on!

Woohoo! So many eggs…

My first time cooking quail eggs…tried to cook it the least time possible because I knew I would have to cook it additionally in the dish too. No one wants the grey ring of death. I also had to peel all 36 of these mini eggs, heh.

Slice up the pork belly and boil it for a few minutes, helps to “clean” the pork belly!

What is this you ask? It’s a heaping amount of sugar with oil. I had to heat this up over low heat to get it browned up but not burnt, you know? Caramel!

I had to move fast! Once it got browned up, I added the pork belly. Look at the nice color!

Yum, the aromatics. Garlic. Shallots. Thai Chilis. No can go wrong. I should use more shallots in my cooking.

Smelled so good…

Add the eggs in and then let it simmer a bit. Make sure you mix it around good so the eggs get coated in the wonderful caramel sauce too. I didn’t add too much shoyu and salt to this because it asks for so much fish sauce! Recipes ask for coconut soda but I don’t have access to that so I just used coconut water. The dish was super good. I actually followed three different recipes to make this dish so I’ll just link them below!

Recipe inspirations:
Wok & Kin
Cooking Therapy
Simply Recipes

Pho K&A Local Vietnamese Cuisine – Kapahulu, HI

I got to try Pho K&A the other week and was very pleasantly surprised! Their parking is horrific. If you know this building, you just hope to score street parking right up front or you’ll have to circle the area for other parking options. There is a tiny lot behind the building so we gave up and parked in it. Here’s where it’s messy. I do not like that parking lots now have QR codes to pay for parking. I know it’s supposed to be easy but using random QR codes can be sketchy. Also, within this lot – there were TWO QR codes. Both on signs that was for parking in the lot….the QR codes went to two different websites. And one was more expensive than the other? My god. I was like huh? I finally went with the website that at least said Diamond Parking – the other one didn’t even mention Diamond Parking on their site. What a mess. So yeah, I wouldn’t park in that park lot unless you absolutely have it.

Updated Note: Okay, while I have no proof that this was the origin…my card was compromised, the weird parking QR codes situation is the only thing I can point to right now. Do not park in the back and scan those QR codes to pay parking. Find street parking!

Sorry for the parking rant, the food there is super good. The folks who run it are super friendly and the restaurant is SUPER CLEAN. If that matters to you, but it is. My companion said the bathroom is crazy clean, old but clean.

Green Papaya Salad with Shrimp | $15.00
shredded green papaya, shrimp, basil, peanut, special salad dressing, fried onions served with fish sauce

Star of the show, hands down. If you’ve seen papaya salad in other restaurants, you know they generally chop it into like big matchsticks. Look at how finely julienned this is, it really made a difference. The seasonings and toppings were on point, drizzle some of their homemade chili saute sauce on and it’s just chef’s kiss. Highly recommendeed! They are generous with the shrimp too!

Beautiful clean veggies for the pho (lol)

Build Your Own Pho (Steak/Brisket) | $15.00

Beef Short Ribs Pho | $22.00

I felt like I wanted more meat this day. I needed to help my depleted blood supply (iykyk). I’ve seen pictures of this type of pho at other restaurants and just wanted to go for it. Looks pretty generous, three ribs. I’d say it was a good amount of meat, but don’t expect the ribs to be full of meat, you know? How was it? Well, good not great. This is the only thing in the bowl with the noodles and greens. I guess I just prefer my combination pho, with all the different types of meat to munch on. Nice to try but wouldn’t get it again. Will try the combination pho next time!

Le’s Banh Mi – Ala Moana, HI

I love myself a good banh mi and am always in search of a good one. I grew up with the ones from Bale, and while they are good, they are not great. Can’t go wrong when you go to a shop that specializes in them! I’ve wanted to try Le’s Banh Mi for a while now and recently got a chance to try them! They are located in the 808 Sheridan building on the 3rd floor.

The customer service was a bit lackluster but that’s okay, I’m there for the food. Maybe I went on an off day for service. This place was pretty warm when I walked in, like it was the oven. But I was excited to see that they bake their own bread! So I waited outside for my sandwiches in anticipation.

Roasted Pork Banh Mi | $10.50

Sorry the pic is a bit blurry, but take a look at the innards! They pack it in! And roast pork, they mean Chinese style roast pork, you know…with the crispy skin. Although, by the time you eat the sandwich, not really crispy. It still tasted great!

Saigon Special Banh Mi | $10.50

My favorite one, hands down. Anytime I see the saigon special, I know that’s the one I need to get. They put in a variety of meats and a handsome dollop of pate. If you don’t like pate, don’t get this sandwich. Can I praise the bread please? It is SO good. I don’t know if you can tell but it’s not at all doughy, perfect amount of fluff and it’s super light and crispy. Such a good sandwich…I like go back already. Highly recommend!

Mixed Plate Friday

Get this. I was in a mood but still always follow the rules. So I’m driving up Piikoi to go onto the freeway right? And you folks know, the right and left lane people always be trying to cut us rule followers. I don’t let them cut because why should I have to wait forever to get on the freeway while you folks just cut last minute? It is so maddening! Anyway, earlier this morning it happened. This stupid jeep was on the left trying to cut me, we were bumper to bumper at the red light. I was not going to let him in. But he kept moving forward and steering his car like he was just gonna cut anyway.

Well guess what. No. I didn’t let that happen. And as the light turned green and I went gas em, his passenger, some white lady busts out her phone and points it at me out of the window. Yeah! Like she’s trying for record me for not letting them in??? Girl are you crazy. I hope you enjoyed the view of me pissed off in my big black sunglasses I got from my eye surgery. It was obviously a rental car (dumb tourist). I was hopping mad but I ain’t going to engage with them. I just drove off. How rude right??? I almost like her post the video and me find it to tell everyone exactly what happened.

Spicy & Shoyu Ahi Poke Bowl | $12.99

Before the pandemic, Aja used to fill up the cold case with sushi and bibimkooksoo. Still no bibimkooksoo but I did try this poke bowl the other week! Pretty good! Pretty good portion for $12.99 even if it’s a lot of rice.

Homemade Bahn Mi Toast

Haha I’m calling it toast because I didn’t have any french bread. But I just toasted up one slice of bread, shredded Sam’s Club chicken with mayo, made my own carrot/daikon pickle, fresh cilantro and some homemade pickled jalapenos too! It was delicious! The boys loved it too, all three of them! Hard to find dishes that all three enjoy.

Homemade Tuna Pasta Salad

Did I post this before? I just made my own pasta salad one day and used cottage cheese as a base for the dressing to make it healthier. I just needed the wetness of the cottage cheese to make a dressing and for me it works. I added fresh dill too to make it even more flavorful. I forget the recipe already, if you want it, let me know and I can try to type one up and post. I enjoy this dish!

Bac Nam – Honolulu, HI

I’ve done a few postings here and there about Bac Nam but I don’t think I ever did a full post! How can?? Great Vietnamese restaurant, one of my favorites. Though…not for their pho. Sorry! I like their other dishes moreso than the pho so I recommend you coming here if you are not wanting pho. Well you can order the pho but you won’t be trying their best dishes!

Vietnamese Steamed Dumplings | $12.95
marinated shrimp, pork and onions wrapped into a thin layer of tapioca flour dough, then steamed – served with special House fish sauce

It went up one dollar within a few months but still as good as ever. I assume this is homemade, I think it would be hard to reheat this dish from frozen. Tapioca based flour is hard maintain after freezing or even putting in the fridge, delicious!

Crab Curry | $26.95
French Bread | $3.50

Wow, good thing I keep notes on my meals. The curry went up $2.00 and the bread went up 50 cents lol within a few months. Still one of my favorite dishes even though it pains me to pay for the french bread. While I am a huge fan of rice especially with curries, somehow, the bread just works best with this curry. Get plenty Japanese tourists at this restaurant and you know they all order the crab curry. It’s delish!

Side Order Rice | $3.00

Braised Large Prawn | $23.95

Okay, here’s the funny story. They have either entree style of this dish or a rice plate. The rice plate costs $20.95 while the entree costs $23.95…we asked how many prawns come in each dish. The rice plate comes with 2(!) prawns versus the entree which comes with a whopping…3. Well this was my main dish and I wanted to share my prawns but well…I didn’t really just want one freaking prawn for dinner so I went for the prawns entree along with a side of rice. Ridic. Well I ended up only eating one prawn cause I was full from the appetizers anyway. I wouldn’t get this dish again because it’s just not worth it. And if I were to, I’d get the rice plate. Blah! Anyway, tasted good just not worth the price.

Parking, they have a back lot that is a bit horrendous. If you go dinner time, I believe the metered street parking is free from 6PM – you gotta go read the sign.