Vons Chicken – Kalihi, HI

Hi folks. Yes, I survived this past week. It was a tough one. A funeral for my grandma, my final paper that was due Wednesday night (which I had a hard hard time writing – got it in an hour before it was due), a big division party I planned lead on. Needless to say, I’ve been resting a LOT. I would have taken vacation on Friday if I didn’t have something big to do at work. My brothers are leaving for China on Tuesday for over two months, gonna be tough. I love them as much as if they were my own so it’s going to be difficult without them around for so long. Summer opens up a few possibilities! I don’t plan on taking classes so I should have more time to do other things…like more recipes! I’ll try to get some more out for you folks. Give me a few more days before I get back into the full swing of blogging again. I hope you have been great.

Quick update today. Vons Chicken opened up in the Kalihi Palama Supermarket, they took over the old Tae’s spot right next to the Palama snackbar. I think Asians do chicken right so I definitely wanted to give them a try! I asked what their specialty was and they said that since it was my first time, I should try their Crispy Fried Chicken. Yes sir! They offer regular or hot, I asked for hot. He mentioned something about hot being just a sauce and I said okay, that’s fine! He mentioned it takes about 10 minutes, I think it’s more like 15 minutes so feel free to call ahead or put it in before walking around the store. It is $11.99 for a mini order and $20.99 for a full order. My mini order had 9 wings and drumettes altogether.


150517-02So how was the chicken? It was a good choice! Very tasty, moist and crispy. A light crispy, not hard. He forgot to give me the hot sauce and I didn’t realize until I got home. A little pricey but I think it’s worth it it. I would definitely return to try another flavor!

4 responses to “Vons Chicken – Kalihi, HI

  1. Arlene

    I’m sorry for your loss, Jenny. It’s always a shock to lose a loved one. Having said that, it’s amazing how much you accomplished in just a week’s time, plus you even squeezed in a blog entry! I looked up that delish-looking chicken and it seems their California locations have a shoyu- black vinegar sauce which is making me drooool. I hope they have that here.

  2. jalna

    So sorry for your loss, Jenny.

  3. N

    My condolences over your loss. You have been heck of a lot busy. Great info -N

  4. Jenny

    Thanks so much ladies, I appreciate the comments. I’ve been out of the blogging world for a bit but am trying to get back into action! Hope you ladies are doing great too!

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