Where’s the Rain?

As I was finishing up my laundry today, it started to pour and I loved it! I do love rain, when I’m not getting soaked in it. I looked at my phone and it read rain all day. It is totally clear and sunny now. That’s Hawaii for you. I do hope we get more rainy days soon, mainly so it won’t be so HOT. I had a pretty okay week. It was busy but am glad for the rest. This week is the death anniversary of my mother so I plan to take some time off to visit her. Gosh, death anniversary sounds so terrible. Isn’t there another word for it? It wouldn’t be memorial day right? Anyway, I just wanted to share a mish mash of pictures today. Hope you folks have had a good weekend so far!

140928-01I love cute plant arrangements like this. When my kitchen is done, I would like to place something similar to this on my window sill. Perhaps herbs as well! By the way, this is from Mr. Tea Cafe. I tried their bubble tea with 100% sweetness, I was not happy at all. I cannot recommend this place even though they have cute plants! The balls were hard, the drink was not sweet enough…Thang II is still the best in Hawaii.

140928-02Our Campus Center had an open house and I got to try some of their catering options! See the neon stuff on the left? That’s actually mashed potatoes infused with beet. I’m assuming beet puree. How was it? Ehh…a bit weird. You could totally taste the beet in the mashed potato…I liked that they tried it but I think it could be done better. The asparagus was good and the salmon was great!

140928-03This was some kind of moroccan chicken with lemon. Strong lemon taste. It was good though! I just wish their catering prices weren’t so high…

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