Recipe: Custard Mochi

Okay before I begin, I have a funny story to tell about this. I saw this recipe online and was amazed at this mochi. I had never seen a mochi recipe that separated into a layer of mochi, a layer of custard and then a glorious layer of crust (yes, I count a good crust as a layer!). Needless to say, I had to make it right away and I am so happy I did. It’s a pretty crazy recipe, it asks for 4 cups of milk and 4 eggs…but we are making custard! How did it turn out? Heavenly. Absolutely perfect. I followed the recipe exactly but I have some tips of my own after the recipe I’m going to post.

Funny story. So I got into work and wrote an e-mail out to the staff about how I never saw this kind of mochi before and told them all to give it a try.  Then one of my coworkers tells me she has made this same exact recipe and brought it to the office at least three times. OOPS. I felt really bad but I kept laughing too! Not at her but at me writing that e-mail to the staff like I found something new or something! Luckily she wasn’t too mad since we are pretty close…lol. Here are the pictures!

140223-01Look at that awesome crust. No can beat that…

140223-02You see the layering? Oozy custard in the middle…

140223-03Wish I had a nice one sliced up to take a picture of…I was too busy trying to eat it! It is crispy, creamy, chewy all at once. All that texture makes for the perfect dessert.

Custard Mochi

1/2 cup butter, softened
1 3/4 cup sugar
4 cups milk (2% or higher)
4 whole eggs
2 tsp vanilla extract
2 cups mochiko (rice flour)
2 tsp baking powder

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Grease 13 X 9 pan. In large bowl, cream butter and sugar. Add eggs one at a time, beating after each addition. Add remaining ingredients and mix until well blended. Pour into pan and bake for 1 hour and 20 minutes, or until center is firm. Cool and chill in refrigerator. Cut into squares — my mom suggests using a plastic knife for easier cutting. Do as Mom says, she knows best.

Recipe from Wasabi Prime.

Jenny’s tips:
1) You must use a glass pan, no exceptions!
2) Do not chill it in the refrigerator! For me, I baked it at night and let it cool overnight at room temperature. Then I served it out to my office in the morning and bugga was gone before I could even throw it in the fridge. Well I did save a few pieces for my family which I did throw in the fridge (since there’s custard) and it did not taste good. The crust got really mealy and ruined the whole mochi for me, but these are just my personal tips.

45 responses to “Recipe: Custard Mochi

  1. hi jenny, we made this custard mochi recipe the other night. sooo ono! thanks for sharing it!

  2. Hooray – I’m so glad you liked it!! It’s my mom’s recipe, although I think everyone in Hawaii has their own version of this. Supposedly you can do a chocolate version too? Haven’t tried, but I’m sure it’s yummy. I’m so glad you’re as addicted to this stuff as I am! 😀

    • Jenny

      Hi Denise! Thanks for commenting! Too funny you mention, of course after I make it…everyone tells me they made it before. Sorry, I think this recipe made the best batch so thanks for sharing it! I haven’t tried the chocolate version either but that sounds like it would be a real hit!

  3. Vaun

    Can I use a fork just to mix it or would it be better to use an actual mixer?

    • Jenny

      Hi Vaun! You know what? I haven’t used a mixer in years. I used good ole elbow grease. Pretty sure I used a whisk…if not, chopsticks because I’m asian. 🙂

  4. Lisa T

    Hi I have a question… does the custard part just magically appear when you bake it? This looks delish!

  5. Tonja

    i made this recipe last week and it’s delicious! Best ever! Tonight I’m experimenting and using coconut milk and cocoa powder. Crossing my fingers that it turns out with the 3 layers.

    • Jenny

      Oh my, Tonja! I really hope this new experiment comes out! I am waiting to hear back from you! So glad you enjoyed the original!

      • Tonja

        Just realized I never commented back with my results! I’m making the original recipe tonight and came across my comment from last year.
        Unfortunately the cocoa powder and coconut milk mochi didn’t seperate into layers like I had hoped 🙁
        It was still delicious tho!!

  6. Dina

    Sounds delicious! If I made this for the holidays and packaged for Chrismas goodies, would I need to refrigerate it or tell people they need to refrigerate it or smear it right away?

  7. OK…I really want to make this …it looks soooo Yummy! Where do I get the mochiko ( sweet rice flour)??? I hope it’s not hard to find .

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  9. Sam W

    I live on the Big Island and they sell butter mochi everywhere; they even sell ono butter mochi at the gas station! But I have to give the prize to yours. It is the best butter mochi ever! Mahalo for sharing.

  10. Lailin

    I don’t know what I did wrong but the mochi came out to be a single layer and no custard part appear. Do you have any suggestion?

    • Peggy Barr

      I have read on another custard mochi recipe that if you mix it too long, that it doesn’t separate into layers but cooks as a kind of fluffy mochi.

  11. Serea

    Hi Jenny, after adding the eggs, do you need to whip the eggs until fluffy and double in volume like how one would do with cake recipe? or just whisk until the eggs are just mixed with the butter?

  12. Melissa

    Hey Jenny! So I tried the recipe today and my custard ended up on the top layer. Don’t get me wrong it was still delicious. But I was so bummed I made it exactly as instructed. Ahh das ok buggah was still ono

  13. J.

    Thanks for the recipe Jenny! My custard just ended up on the top layer too. I was hoping for the “magic” middle layer but it’s still so good. I’ve made it twice already! 🙂

    • Jenny

      Hi J! Oh shucks, I’m not sure why the layering isn’t working. Or maybe I make it wrong?? The main thing is…it’s delicious! No matter how it looks…just gotta taste good. 🙂

  14. Bev

    I tried it twice as well, custard ended up on the top layer, it was still good thou

  15. Vyv

    Hello Jenny,

    I wonder if the middle layer of ‘custard’ isn’t just an uncooked layer..?

    This also happens to my cassave cake! If it isn’t done yet there’s a soft, light-colored layer in the middle…then it needs to bake a little longer.

    That means getting this layer depends on size of the pan (height of the cake) and length of baking time and temperature of the oven…

    However: if it tastes good, there’s no real reason nót to eat an uncooked layer, it’s sometimes the best part of the cake…

    I’m going to try this butter mochi, never had it, but I LOVE ‘ketan’ flour..

    • Jenny

      Hi Vyv!

      I have never thought of that…and I’m thinking you’re right? Maybe I haven’t baked it long enough? That’s very plausible. I really hope you’re going to try this recipe and please let me know how it turns out for you!

  16. Erika Agbayani

    Hi! BTW!! Hands down the best butter custard mochi everrrr!! Just curious to know if you’ve tried to bake this in a cupcake pan? I personally love all the crunchy edges that come with baked mochi. So I wanted to try it in a cupcake pan but I’m not sure on baking time. Thank you!!

    • Jenny

      Oh my gosh Erika, you’ve got me all excited to make this in a cupcake pan. So excited that I’m going to try it next week! I’ll let you folks know how it goes. 🙂

  17. Mercy

    Finally a mochi recipe that doesn’t call for coconut milk (allergy)!!!! Going to give this recipe a try – thank you!!!

  18. Linda

    How did it tuen out baking it in a muffin pan? I’m curious how it turned out because one of your tips is to use a glass pan (no exceptions) but I haven’t seen a glass muffin pan before.

    What would happen if I baked this in a metal loaf pan?

  19. Helen

    Hello Jenny ! I made it before and yes it needed few more minutes and it’s perfect. Need not worry about the middle custard. So many times friends made and said the same thing . This is an excellent recipe for mochi. Thanx for sharing ..

  20. Lana Moy

    Hi Jenny,

    In regard to 2 cups mochiko, should I measure it out? I saw a couple of recipes that stated to use the whole 16 ounce box that yields about 2 cups. I think they’re comparing it to liquid measure though.

    Thank you!


    • Jenny

      Aloha Lana, I am pretty sure I measured it out exactly with measuring cups! I tend to follow recipes to a T especially for baking! If I recall correctly, I think the box has a bit more than 2 cups. Thanks!

      • Lana

        Aloha & thanks, Jenny! I’m making it for a family picnic this weekend, so I tested it out both ways before seeing your response. My husband loves chewy desserts & preferred your way. In using the whole box, the ratio of mochi to custard’s too much. My hubby’s picky & really enjoyed your recipe.

        I baked it for an hour & 20 minutes. It tastes good, but the mochi’s a little jiggly. What’s the longest I should bake it for?

        • Jenny

          Hey Lana! So sorry, didn’t see this comment until now. And I wish I could give feedback on different bake times. I have only baked it at 1 hour and 20 minutes and it worked really well for me! I tried looking up variations of custard mochi recipes and they call for the same cooking time! I suppose you could try 10 minutes more but my fear is the custard getting overcooked…sorry I couldn’t be of more help on this question…

  21. Tiffany

    How do you get the crust and top to stay crispy? I took it out of the oven and it started to be soft after a while

  22. Deanna

    I’ve only ever made butter mochi. Do you think this would work if I replaced the whole milk with coconut milk?

  23. Clarita

    OMG, this is soooo awesome. I couldn’t wait to cut into it. I had to try it while it was semi hot, the custard part was falling off. Love it, thank you for sharing your recipe. Also, I grew up in the island, so I tasted all different kinds ❤️. I took a picture of the custard mochi, but I don’t know how to access my camera. I’m tech challenge

  24. Dollface

    Uh… Mine came out and it nearly overflowed the glass pan… Is it going to deflate? Followed the directions… I think adding the eggs one at a time and mixing it was the issue. Next time I will all at once and mix in.

  25. Pat

    Hi Jenny, did you use glutinous rice flour or simply rice flour? Thank you.

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