New Diner’s Drive-In – Honolulu, HI

Have you been to New Diner’s Drive-In?  This place is located on North King Street right next to the Post Office.  I gotta say, being a Kalihi girl…this is one of the few places I don’t like going to. There’s such a big mix of “interesting” people here.  I’ve been approached more than once by these “interesting” folks which has scared me off enough. Well, I needed dinner one night and this was one of the few places open that night…so I had no choice! The people were still as interesting as usual so I grabbed my food as soon as I could and proceeded to grind at home.

140113-01Here is one of their signature dishes. Fried saimin with BBQ chicken. I can’t deny it, it is delicious! Especially slathered in Sriracha sauce…

140113-02Here was my dinner! Kimchee fried rice. I gotta say, this was really good!  Kimchee fried rice is usually hit or miss in restaurants and I find that a lot of them tend to make kimchee fried rice a bit sweet. They made this fried rice very savory and tasty.  Too tasty.  That means I could taste butter which was nice but there was a bit too much butter.  I still think it tasted great. If I work up the nerve, I may have to return here one day.