Aloha Kitchen – Las Vegas, Nevada

Oh boy did this trip prove how Asian I am. I needed rice the morning after we landed. I wasn’t even 24 hours out of Hawaii yet. We did a water run at Target and I looked up a place to grab breakfast and found Aloha Kitchen. No regrets!!!

Longanisa and Spam Breakfast Platter | $16.29

Chan’s breakfast, two scoop rice and scrambled eggs. Kind of pricey for the plate but they actually give choke!

Portuguese Sausage & Longanisa Platter | $16.29

My platter! I wanted my pocho sausage. The sausage was just alright. I like to get my eggs over medium. Great portions! We had enough leftover for another day of breakfast. Thankfully our room had a little kitchenette!

Side Order Tater Tots | $5.29

LOL, what you want me to say. It’s like mini hash browns okay!

Kind of a double post, anytime I go mainland, I have to go Bambu! Since it closed down in Hawaii, I haven’t been able to get my number 10 dessert fix.

Almost forgot to take a picture, it is too hot outside to do anything so I took one in the car. Was it good? Uh, yeah! Should have got another one of these during the trip. Along with playing more games of craps!!!!

6 responses to “Aloha Kitchen – Las Vegas, Nevada

  1. vickinags

    Been seeing how hot it is there. No thank you! But here is not much better with the humidity!

  2. Ooooh, craps! So fun. When our class used to go to Vegas for reunions, we would have a buffet type dinner at Aloha Kitchen. I think it was Aloha Kitchen. They had karaoke and was so good fun!

  3. Kat

    gonna look up what #10 is, glad you got your fix

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