Candi’s Cafe – Kalihi, HI

I am alive! I had two papers due this week so I really had to hunker down and get them done. I am happy to say I got both of them in and on time. I still have papers and presentations to prep for but I am going to give myself a little free time tonight. I’ll get down and dirty again tomorrow. Work is also nuts! It’s not a good combination. I’ve been told I look tired and I believe it. I hope you folks are prepared for the potential storm! This one felt like it really crept on us yeah? I think I’m pretty prepared. I do have to fill up gas but I’m afraid to check out the lines. I wish there were cameras all over so I coud look before leaving the house. I hope Hawaii doesn’t have much damage from this storm like the last two we were preparing for. Anyway, just wanted to share a review of Candi’s Cafe today. I’ve been dying to try them out, now that I have, I’m good. The staff there are super nice but the food was mediocre. Let me explain…

141017-02Burger and Fries. My friend had this plate, she was not impressed. It was nice to see a hand formed patty but it was dry and not flavorful. What a shame…


141017-04Shrimp Scampi with Pasta

This was my dish. Meh, it wasn’t great. The sauce was a bit rich. The shrimp had a bit of a freezer burn taste and they cut it into small chunks which I thought was hiding how little shrimp they give. What made it worst was the long wait we had! It was almost 30 minutes. I highly suggest you phone in orders early if you don’t want to wait. Limited parking too.

One response to “Candi’s Cafe – Kalihi, HI

  1. jalna

    Good to know. Thanks!

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