Australian Chips | Burger Rings
Australian Chips | Twisties Cheese
My co-worker went to Australia and I asked if she could bring me back some snacks. I am always very curious how other countries do their snacks! Well, I will go ahead and say that the grand ole USA does chips better. I don’t know what the best chips are in Australia, but these are not it. The burger chips, I was so excited! It kind of just tastes like MSG and steak sauce or something. You know? And the twisties? No. It’s like worst Cheetos. I really appreciate the gift and all the way from down under but I just wasn’t a big fan…or maybe I’m just used to American junk food?
Ever heard of oat groats? Me neither. I saw a post on Facebook (uh-oh) and he was mentioning how he wanted to eat less rice so he gave a recipe on how to prepare oat groats with bulgar wheat. I followed it to a T, that recipe didn’t work out. But what I ended up doing the second time was just rinsing these oat groats off, I cooked 2 cups (the rice measuring cups) and filled the water line in my rice cooker to 2.5 cups and there we have it. I don’t mind it! It’s kind of like brown rice but it’s oats…you might find a husk here and there but just spit it out and you’re good to go. I ordered this off amazon because I am not sure where to find it locally. Have you folks tried this before?