First Taste Friday

Okay, I never tried these on a Friday but I was trying to be witty. Today was one bomb day. Bomb as in terrible, not good. But I am still in high spirits! Surprisingly. I have decided to take two graduate courses this semester while working full-time. I am insane, I know. A lot of people are worried that I cannot handle but I am confident that I can. I plan to dedicate myself to it. Today was the class I was scared about but it ended up being a great class. I was scared only because I didn’t know if the material would be over my head or not…but I think I should do okay. The instructor seems great too.

Anyway, just a fore warning of possibly lesser posts in the next 2-3 months because of my work and course-load. I hope not though. Anyway! I tried a few limited time flavors of snacks recently and wanted to share my opinion.

140829-01How can I explain this Wasabi Ginger flavor? MSG Strong? It really does taste like you’re eating the old school uncooked crushed ramen coated with the MSG packet with a hint of wasabi. It’s not my cup of tea but many people like it!

140829-02I’ve been waiting for these to make their way over to Hawaii for a long time! Or more like, I’ve been wanting to get it for forever. How is it? To me, it tastes very coffee-ish. It’s interesting but once again, not a fan. Give me the regular oreos.

4 responses to “First Taste Friday

  1. N

    Hey J: It doesn’t matter what other ppl say or think you can’t do. If you limit yourself then you limit your life. And if it doesn’t work out, you can say I tried it and didn’t like it or it didn’t work out. But only YOU can go on that journey, no one else. True friends will tell you truth in their opinion but at the same time regardless of how THEY feel they’ll support you. I’ve seen my BFF make horrible mistakes (marriage) but once done, I was there when it didn’t work out. I didn’t say told you so. Just being there to support them when it hits the fan is also part of being a friend.

    And if you don’t suceed you try again, maybe it wasn’t meant to be at this time but another. Failure is once you stop trying. To make life challenging we need to challenge ourselves. Getting everything EZ doesn’t make you appreciate it but working hard does and good for the ego and soul.

    My ex co-worker was working as a coordinator, while supporting a hubby who had just a break even business (very Peter Pan-ish) and two small kids. She was the primary source of income. She had a taxing job and home life and she was taking college courses. She’d have to work until 1-2 am every day. They hit financial bumps when she lost her job and they sold nearly everything.

    Fast forward to present day – she is now a Vice President at an college. Took her 15 years but she did it! She’s still young so who knows where she will end up.

    You are gonna have missteps and backfires but ats part of life. You can only try. Best of Luck.

    Thanks for the food recommends. I was curious about those too!

  2. Jenny

    Thanks so much N. Inspiring stories! I am going to stick to my plan come hell or high water! I think it’s missteps and mistakes that make your life…it’s boring to have nothing go wrong huh?

    And thanks! I just tried the caramel apple oreo too…another dud. Maybe it’s just me?

  3. Have you tried the new peanut butter oreo’s? I just bought it yesterday but don’t plan on trying until this weekend for our road trip. The lemon oreo’s are super yummy! I was debating on getting the cookie dough but glad I saw this review first! Mahalo!

    • Jenny

      Hiya! I have not! Please do try it and let me know how they are! I haven’t seen tried the lemon ones either but I do love myself some lemon so I may have to! But are those seasonal as well? Ohh and did my post make you wanna buy the cookie dough or not buy it? Hehe…

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