Recipe: Hawaiian Style Breakfast Casserole

Anytime we have a coffee hour at work – people tend to bring all the same types of foods.  Either pastries or fruits.  I’m a bigger fan of savory foods so when I have to bring something – I always try to find something salty to bring!  One day, I spotted these portuguese sausage slices in Costco made exclusively for musubis and an idea clicked in my head.  Here’s what came of it…


Hawaiian Style Breakfast Casserole – this dish was a complete winner at the pot luck.  I think people enjoyed having something salty to eat in a sea of pastries.  So easy yet so delicious.  I’ll include my recipe in this post.  🙂


Portuguese Sausage Slices from Costco!  I liked the idea of using these sausage slices because they become the outline for the portion people can take!  Just serve this up with a spatula – this is very easy to cut through.


Sprinkle rice with aji furikake


Fried eggs – over medium?  I leave the yolk slightly soft.  Isn’t this picture funny though?  I’ve never had an egg with two yolks before (bottom left) and I giggled cause it looks like a butt.  It was 5 in the morning okay?  All right, I would have laughed no matter what time of day it was.


Lay the fried eggs onto the bed of rice, let the eggs overlap slightly so every bite has some egg in it!


The portuguese sausage being fried up!  No oil needed of course…they release their own!

Hawaiian Style Breakfast Casserole

3 C         Medium grain rice, cooked

15-16      Large Eggs (I just buy the 18 pack at Costco)

1            Package of Musubi Shaped Portuguese Sausage (Bought from Costco.  I think I used about 20 slices – save the leftover for later!)

Aji Furikake, to taste
Butter to fry up the eggs
Sprinkling of Salt over the eggs

Spread the cooked rice evenly into a 13 x 9 pan.  Sprinkle aji furikake over the rice to your taste.  Fry up the eggs and cook to your preference.  Lay evenly over the rice, slightly overlap the eggs.  Fry up the portuguese sauce until browned, lay evenly over the eggs.  When serving, use a spatula to serve up musubi sized portions.

14 responses to “Recipe: Hawaiian Style Breakfast Casserole

  1. jalna

    You so creative!!! Looks so good.

  2. sunny

    Sounds and looks good. I will have to remember to try and make this for one of our office hours – I prefer savory over sweet too. (Found your blog through Jalna!)

  3. sunny

    ^I meant “office coffee hours” too.

  4. renee

    Thank you for the recipe. I made his for Father’s Day lunch and it was a big success!!

    • Yay renee! Thanks for letting me know you made it…and I’m so glad it was a success! We have another potluck thing and I was really considering making this again. Alas, we already have two rice dishes so I have to look for another recipe. 🙂

  5. I wonder if I can substitute spam instead of Portuguese sausage since it’s not as readily avail here on the mainland. You think it would be too salty? But boy does this look ono! Thanks for sharing the recipe.

    • Jenny

      You know, I feel like spam would work just fine! The portuguese sausage itself is pretty salty to me but works well with this. I don’t season the eggs and add just a small bit of furikake so there’s not too much salt in the other components. Give it a try! Maybe you can use reduced sodium if you’re still worried?

  6. Peggy

    Is this style of Portuguese sausage sold in the islands or Costco’s on the mainland?

  7. What is Furikake? Where may I find it? Is there a substitute if I can’t?

    • Jenny

      Hello! Furikake (振り掛け, ふりかけ, 振掛け, 振掛) is a dry Japanese condiment[1] to be sprinkled on top of cooked rice, vegetables, and fish, or used as an ingredient in onigiri. It typically consists of a mixture of dried fish, sesame seeds, chopped seaweed, sugar, salt, and monosodium glutamate.

      It’s really just a topping and I’m sure you can can omit it, I’ve seen it in Asian sections of supermarkets and on Amazon. I would search up nori komi furikake on Amazon if you are interested, that is the one I use!

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