I Lied

So I totally said my time would free up a few weeks ago and I was dead wrong.  It’s probably been more hectic than ever, the next two weeks are going to be crazy too.  I apologize.  I’ve been doing some restaurant-ing the past few weeks too so I hope to get them up for you folks.  I’ll try to work on some posts tonight.  Please bear with me!  I am pretty excited to share some recipes I made too!  It’s the holiday season so I’ve been baking up a storm for various events/bake sales…or just to eat.  LOL.  Hope you all are doing well.  I’ll end this post with another Chicago picture.  Sorry!  I couldn’t believe how beautiful this picture was that my cousin was able to capture from her room.  Can you believe her view?  Willis Tower!


2 responses to “I Lied

  1. Sushilover

    What a pretty view :)!

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