‘Ili‘ili Cash & Carry – Moilili, HI

I have wanted to try ‘Ili‘ili Cash & Carry ever since they opened up a few years ago. Chan had a hankering for pizza this past weekend so we ordered some in! I would call this like elevated pizza so expect to pay a pretty penny for it, but hey, what doesn’t cost a pretty penny these days right? They have online ordering available so you can place your order and head in to grab your food! Let me show you what we tried.

‘ili‘ili Supreme | $31.00

How was it? Good, not great. Nothing spectacular you know? Feel likes it was lacking a little something – spice? More seasoning? Not enough veggies?

Funghi | $31.00
fiore di latte, mushrooms, herbs, pancetta, parmesan

Once again, good but not great. It feels like each pizza is just lacking one thing that could make it great. This one? I think if it had the addition of garlic – it could have really made this one awesome.

Choke Garlic Balls | $13.00
add pepperoni | $2.00

Ding ding ding, and we have a winner! This was my favorite dish but how could you go wrong with garlic balls (lol). I mean it was soaked in garlic butter – so good. So so so good. Definite must have! Even though the pizza was a bit lackluster, I do still want to try their sandwiches one day.

8 responses to “‘Ili‘ili Cash & Carry – Moilili, HI

  1. vickinags

    LOL I love the funghi pizza! The garlic balls sound interesting, especially with the pepperoni but then again, I don’t even like garlic chix or garlic mashed potato so……

    • Jenny

      Hahaha it was good! Just missing a little something for me! Maybe I just love garlic too much. YOU NOT LIKING GARLIC CHICKEN AND GARLIC MASHED POTATO IS BLASPHEMY lol

  2. jalna

    They all look good, especially the funghi!

  3. Kat

    everything looked good though

  4. Ooooh. Garlic balls! There was a place close to the airport on that main street going up to the freeway that had awesome garlic balls. They closed up when the road construction and covid hit. I loved them but I smelled like garlic for days.

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