
So there was a bit of news when Burger King released their Satisfries.  They apparently spent 10 years researching on how to make like the perfect french fry which is supposed to have lower fat and tastes great.  I was excited mainly because they were serving crinkle fries.  I’ll take crinkle fries over regular fries any day.  So how did they fare?

131117-02Okay I just realized how unappetizing this picture looks – but the fries taste great!  I thought they did a good job!  Unfortunately these satisfries do not automatically come with the meals, they serve the regular fries!  So yeah, you have to pay to upgrade to these babies.


Here’s what got me the most!  I don’t know if you can make it out in the picture but it says that these are for a limited time only.  WHAT??  They spent 10 years to come up with these and they are only going to offer it for a limited time?  I don’t know what to say.  Maybe they are testing the waters – I hope it succeeds cause I thought they tasted great!

One response to “Satisfries

  1. Bryan Toth

    Here I am, 5 years after the loss of my favorite fries, trying to figure out how to make them at home. Wish me luck!

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