Recipe: Creamy Shrimp and Mushroom Pasta

I made a new recipe today and made it my absolute goal to share it with you folks. I was very excited to try this recipe and realized only when I started cooking what it called for. 10 TABLESPOONS OF BUTTER. TEN. And umm…then I looked at the amount of pasta. 6 OUNCES. What? That’s insane. I don’t know about you folks but I prefer recipes that go by the box because I just rather use it all then save it for later and remember how many ounces are left. I’m lazy that way. So I made many adjustments, wrong adjustments but I can kind of share what I did. I definitely did not add more butter even though I used more pasta…is this how Italian restaurants cook??

150928-01How does this look? This was before I made a few adjustments because…bugga was RICH. Looks pretty right?

150928-02You can never have enough garlic. Never.



Crimini Mushrooms

150928-05Does it help that two of the ten tablespoons of butter is used to saute the mushrooms? I didn’t think so.

150928-06Don’t these shrimp look great? Sorry, I just feel so proud at how I cooked them. I got them from Don Quijote on sale.


Chiffonade of Basil (yes, I had to look up that word)

150928-08What makes this sauce creamy? Cream cheese. All cream cheese. Oh yeah, there’s the butter in this pan. Along with garlic and basil, smelled so ono.

150928-09It will be super lumpy until you throw in the pasta water, then it smoothes out real quick!

150928-10Here is everything mixed together….mmm….

150928-11So what did I do after I ate this and didn’t like it? I added chicken broth. A LOT of chicken broth to thin out the sauce. I also added more cracked black pepper and squeezed a lemon in there. Cream sauces are so tricky, especially for reheating. I packed a couple of containers for lunch this week and poured in more chicken broth to help it not be a clumpy mess when I reheat them.

I got the recipe here. I know I didn’t sell it too well in this post but if you want to make the recipe, please do! I think I messed it up by adding my own quantities. If any of you do want to know the quantities I used, let me know and I can share it. Have a great week folks!

Beware: Ramblings

There’s a feeling I can’t shake tonight and since it’s bothering me, I just wanted to share it out. I just feel so bothered. Sometimes I have lunch with a friend during my lunch hour and she comes to campus and parks in my parking stall as I drive us out to our destination of choice. When I come back, she leaves and I take my spot back. It’s not exactly against the law but certainly used for my convenience.

Parking at my work is a nightmare. Our parking lot is always full and always has cars sitting on the side waiting to pick kids up. Anyway, I return today and there were two cars in the lot stopped on the side. Both cars are parked past the stall. My friend gets in her car as I am sitting before this stall with my blinker on. When she drives off, I back into the stall. So as I’m backing into the stall, I see the driver lady’s arms go up in anger in the car that is 4 stalls away from me. But honestly, they were past this stall and just sitting there so how was I to know? As I’m finishing my parking, her male passenger gets out of the car and starts yelling at me. I hate confrontation and I certainly don’t appreciate a male yelling at a female over a parking stall. He yells something about them waiting for such a long time in the lot. I don’t get out of the car but I decided to be cool about it and say that I’m going to move my car. He doesn’t hear me obviously cause my windows are up and he yells WHAT at me like with such anger and disdain…I didn’t care to aggravate the situation so I move my car and start looking for another stall. We all pay money for permits to park in our zone and there were stalls available outside of this specific lot but I guess they refused to park farther. I found a stall right outside of this lot and walked back to work, they had already parked and left their vehicle. Thank god, I didn’t want to run into them.

Anyway, I’m glad I did what I did. I don’t think I was even wrong in the beginning, isn’t it the rule that if you’re past the parking stall that frees up, it’s no longer your spot? I guess I feel unsettled because I didn’t appreciate the confrontation and the fact is, we now continue to share the same parking lot. I feel uneasy and really hope nothing comes of it. If any type of revenge is exacted on my car from today events, I think I’ll really reach a breaking point. It’s been such a hard few months and I’m just mentally and physically exhausted. Sorry for an all text and all venting post, I can’t even sleep thinking about this right now. My coworker unsettled me more after I got back telling me to watch out for them. Ahhhh! I tell myself that it should be okay since I did give them the spot, I just hope nothing further comes from this.

150220-02Okay, I lied. Not an all text post because I’m posting this picture again because I really love this picture and wish I could just fall into this snow and have a nice slumber (especially with this humid weather). Thanks Connie for the picture.

Red Stand – Keeaumoku, HI

I have my first paper due on Tuesday and I haven’t worked on it. I started it but I am nowhere near where I would like to be on a Sunday night. This paper is a bit more loose and introspective which I assume is why I haven’t had the motivation to finish, my procrastination was in full gear this weekend. Wait, I’ll back up on that. I did head out to the library yesterday (on a Saturday!) to start researching for hopefully my research for my master’s. It didn’t go well. I did borrow two books but dread the smell of moldy books, sorry if I’m in the minority on that one.

I also worked on my chapter notes for Tuesday’s class and somehow didn’t fall asleep until past 3 am last night. And! I got up at a very reasonable hour to do my laundry. The weather was crazy this weekend, pouring cats and dogs one minute and then sunny the next. We live in Hawaii for sure. Anyhow, fast forward to tomorrow night where I’m rushing to finish my paper. Ah, the life of a procrastinator.

Anyhoo, I’d like to share a special picnic meal I got recently from Red Stand. Red Stand is a cute little Korean shop that opened up in the Samsung Plaza lot on Keeaumoku. Small and super cute place. They open at 7am to serve up cute musubis and breakfast sets. I thought for the quality of the food, the prices were okay. The staff there were very nice. They also serve up food in the restaurant but it is a very small place and they share parking with 4 other crazy popular restaurants. Good luck on that one. It was so cute to see a little cart stationed at every table with the portable gas grill ready to go. They basically serve up Korean street food at your table, I’m looking forward to coming back here again for dine in. For this post, I’ll be sharing the Red Box Deluxe for $9.00.

150913-01Their very very high quality bento takeaway box. Very. I don’t know how long they can sustain serving their sets in these great boxes. I still can’t bring myself to throw it away.

150913-02They seem to enjoy eggs and seem to include it in almost all their sets. Isn’t this such a cute little set? Perfect for an outing. I like that they wrapped up the soup so well – leak proof! You can choose miso, kimchee or corn soup. I went for miso soup.

150913-03I wasn’t looking forward to the eggs initially but was pleasantly surprised by them. They weren’t as overcooked as they look here and were perfectly salted. The salad was good, it was a basic mix but they threw in some bacon bits and sliced nuts. The dressing was your basic vinaigrette.

150913-04The tuna kimchee triangle musubi. Fresh made by them – nice furikake rice. Very good.


TTEOK KALBI RICE BURGER – you can choose from bulgogi or tteok kalbi. If you are given those choices, ALWAYS CHOOSE TTEOK KALBI.

150913-06I apologize for the caps. I just wanted my point to be clear. This is definitely best warm so if you have it later, try to nuke it a bit if you can. The patty is so delicious and juicy. It’s exactly what it sounds, rice serves as your “bread” and they add a mayonnaise type sauce, burger patty and lettuce. The lettuce isn’t really needed but it’s okay. If you have a chance, check them out! It’s a very cute store and the food is pretty good.