
Hey folks, sorry for the sudden disappearance (oh my, almost a month ago!). Been embarking on a new dental journey and well that’s on top of my health journey. Hahaha, life is full of fun stuff right? Well anyway, I got through the first (and hardest step for me) of the dental journey and have been healing nicely…both physically and mentally. I haven’t been eating out as much lately too…been trying to cook a lot more at home. Have any of you used Noom? Maybe you’ve seen ads on it…it’s like a phone app that helps guide you in losing weight. I enjoy it because it’s more of a lifestyle change versus like fad dieting you know? It does cost money but so far has helped me to start losing the stubborn pounds…let’s see how this goes! Will keep you folks posted.

I also have a check-up coming this next week, had to get my bloodwork last week so I had to prepare for that of course. Thankfully the labs release the results the same day as the draw so I was able to see my results before my impending visit, thankfully the numbers have improved since last visit so I’m hoping for a good visit. Wish me luck!