Amina Pizzeria – Waikiki, HI

Amina Pizzeria is a hole in the wall Italian Eatery between Don Quijote and Waikiki on Kalakaua. If you’ve been to Pho Bistro 2, they share the same parking lot with Amina. I’ve seen nothing but great ratings for this place so I had to bring the boys to try them out. Kids love pasta and pizza, how could you go wrong? When we got there, there was no parking but I decided to take a spin around the neighborhood. Luckily for me, a spot opened up right when I came back! It was fate. The restaurant is super small, it’s definitely suited for take-out more so than dining in. They have 3 tables that seat 4 and one table that seats 2.

I can’t say you are coming here to get authentic Italian food. The restaurant is run by two very nice Vietnamese ladies, the food was good! It’s definitely more of a comfort food kind of place so I would definitely recommend it for that factor. I made a big mistake, I didn’t tip during this trip. I wasn’t sure how to do it at a place like. It’s a take-out place but she brought out our food and gave us water, it wasn’t exactly waiter service but it kind of was. Gosh, I feel so bad. It got really busy as we finished, I didn’t have any small bills and she had a long line so I just left. But do you folks know what the tip guidelines are for people who dine in at a take out place? Please do let me know. So far someone told me it’s 10%.

150808-01Chicken Alfredo with Spaghetti

Not bad, not great. The chicken is chicken breast but tasted like the pre-sliced/pre-cooked ones you get at Costco or something. It was edible but nothing I wouldn’t get it again.

150808-02Lasagna with Meatballs – my brother loved it! Gobbled it up.

150808-03Personal 9″ Pepperoni Pizza – a hit with the kids again! Gotta try them again!

6 responses to “Amina Pizzeria – Waikiki, HI

  1. rob

    looks like you DINED in not take out. You’re still eating on their plates which they have to wash and the staff need to clean the table. 15% is always appropriate if you DINE in even if it’s an establishment where take out is majority of the business.

  2. Arlene

    That lasagna looks so meaty and rich! About the tipping, next time just tip extra to “make up’ for your not tipping. It will probably be the same two ladies.. 15% sounds about right to me, too.

    • Jenny

      Hi Arleen! Yes, that piece of lasagna was devoured! I will definitely tip extra next time I’m there. I agree about 15% if we dine in. 🙂

  3. Darren

    I want the lasagne a lot

    And I’m not tipping

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