Baby Coffee Hour

We had a Baby Coffee Hour for a co-worker about a week ago for her second baby! She’s having a girl and that’s great! It’s much easier to plan events when it’s for girls…I love girly things. We went for a Cherry Blossom theme and it went great! I made a cherry blossom origami ball, it took a lot of time to make it but it came out great! Here’s more pictures from the coffee hour!




150318-04Nisshodo Chi Chi Dango Favors

150318-05My co-worker picked up fallen branches and made tissue paper flowers, isn’t this cute?

150318-06Diaper Owl. This is the first time I’ve ever seen this. As if diaper cakes aren’t cute enough!



150318-09I had a very cute cherry blossom bowl so I used it to serve up my teriyaki pineapple chicken meatballs. These meatballs are the best, you can find them at Costco. I also had these cute bento picks which add such a cute touch.

6 responses to “Baby Coffee Hour

  1. jalna

    Very, very cute stuff! I love your origami ball. I like how you have them hanging from the light fixture. And you know what I think is the cutest thing? Those hands in the first photo!!! With what looks like PJ cuffs. Adorable!

  2. BOP

    the chicken looks so good!

  3. BOP

    can you make the paper flowers?

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