Do you want to find a place where you can get high quality Japanese meat at low price? No? How about a place with high quality Japanese meat and high prices? Yes? Okay, Japanese BBQ Yoshi is your place, lol. And I’m not saying this to be a smart mouth, they really do offer up high quality stuff but you’ll be paying a price for that quality. So unless you can afford that big slab of meat at J-Shop for like almost $1000, settle into this post! Wait, does J-Shop still sell those cuts of meat? Hmmm…

pork belly, prime kalbi, flat iron steak, thin cut steak
I hope I got the meats right on this set. Was it good? Sure. Was it so great and mind blowing? Eh, honestly this set wasn’t anything special. It wasn’t like the meat was melt in your mouth. And for $24 a person, not great at all. By the way, it’s actually $25 set because you could pay $1 for a cup of Iichiko (hence the name). I don’t drink so they said I could get soda, which I got charged the same rate as I would have for Iichiko (hmmm…)

Was this good? Yes, it was tasty! Was it worth $12? Hmm…a lot of hmm’s…in this post.

I think you know where I’m going with this…but you’re wrong! I won’t say it was too pricey. Okay, practically, it was. But…for me, any meat dish that can be consumed raw and deliciously will cost more! It’s hard to find meat that is safe to eat raw here in Hawaii. Yukke is a Korean dish, basically an Asian seasoned beef tartar dish. The yukhoe dish from Cali still tops the list!

I know, I know. Another pricey dish. $20 for two pieces of sushi?? This is definitely an extravagant dish. This is the one my cousin and I absolutely love and is why we come to this restaurant. Honestly, we could just order this and leave but I don’t know how much the restaurant would appreciate that. What is it with us and raw beef? I don’t know but it is absolutely delicious. So soft and tender…mmm…
This restaurant is definitely more of a treat meal, maybe once a year? Once a lifetime? I don’t know. You see the prices we paid. By the way, the meat set we got was just for the meat. It does not come with any sides which is why we had to pay for the the kimchee fried rice. The end.
very pricey! you should definitely try more raw beef in japan:)
Ahhh agree! I would probably go hog (cow?) wild!!!