Kiss My Grits – Honolulu, Hawaii

With a name like Kiss My Grits, how could you resist not trying it out?  Kiss My Grits has been in Manoa for about 2 years now and it’s a welcome restaurant!  I like it because we don’t have much Southern food in Hawaii so it was great to see a place open up that was so close to me.  You can never go wrong with Fried Chicken…

130801-02Why hello


Yum.  They have Sweet Tea on the menu!  And guess what?  Free refills!

130801-03Biscuits and gravy…drooool.  This dish was SO good.

130801-04A breakfast dish they serve, my dining companion got it.  They are VERY generous with the bacon.


Close-up of the grits, he’s not a fan of it.  But I think he is not a fan of grits in general, not just from Kiss My Grits.

130801-06Close-up of the hush pups.  They were pretty good.  I’m not a fan of their deviled eggs – they have a very strong vinegar/mustard taste. 

130801-07Smoky Mac and Cheese!


Close-up of the gooey cheesyness.  It was very good.  The fried onion strings on top was a nice touch but most if not all of it was very hard to bite into it.  I ended up tossing it to the side.

So how is Kiss My Grits?  I think it’s a good restaurant.  Definitely worth a try.  The fried chicken is decent and it’s just nice to try dishes that I don’t usually get to try.  I think I would like to try their shrimp and grits next time.  They also have two different chili sauces on the table for you to have with your food.  They look more like chili water to me…and I think it is between a Northern and Southern sauce?  I’m not too sure on that one.  I also love that the sweet tea is served up in those Kerr jars.  Give this place a try!


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