Mixed Plate Friday

Anko Spread with Butter

I got this so long ago from Costco, not sure if they even carry it anymore! I was super curious about it and I got curiosity got the best of me. I’m not a big toast person anyway but still got it. It’s good! I still have almost full jar in the fridge because like I said, I am not a big toast person lol. I enjoyed eating it with sliced fruits like below.

In June, I had this huge urge to adopt a cat. I don’t know why. I just really really wanted to so we visited the Hawaiian Humane Society and I was enamored with this cat. He was a new addition, rehomed (boo) but absolutely beautiful cat who was SO chill. That’s the kind of cat I need, chill. He barely moved lol but something in his face – is there a sadness? I don’t know. I even imagined taking him with me to work to chill as a work therapy cat. His name was Paco and I think I got to see him 2 times before he was adopted. I knew he would be a fast one to go, I hope his new family is treating him well. Oh, and I got over my urge of getting a new pet. For now.

Okay, can you see which sticker I am laughing about? Hint: it’s easier if you read it out loud. Another hint, I am an immature child with dumb jokes. Let me know if you got it. Happy weekend to you!

6 responses to “Mixed Plate Friday

  1. vickinags

    I liked that spread too. Kat posts about Ogura toast with just buttered toast and anko. I tried putting it in my patbingsu but I think the butter in it keeps is solidified with the shaved ice.
    Whole Foods carries several different flavors of spreads from that company, like Yuzu marmalade.

  2. kat

    lol I could see what sticker you are talking about. When you come to Japan, I can take you & V to that store, Kuzefuku…though I like to just put sweet bean paste & butter on my toast:)

  3. What a bumper sticker! Was it a male musician from Waimanalo?

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