Deluxe Breakfast!

Hey guys. I assume that you folks know about the breakfast platters at McDonald’s right? The deluxe platter comes with three pieces of portuguese sausage and 2 pieces of spam. My cousin told me that if you ask for no spam – they just give you double the order of portuguese sausage. THAT’S SIX PIECES. Okay, that’s way too much but if you are ever feeling hungry – go for it! It’s only a little more than the regular platter and McD has the best breakfast platters. Yup, I said it. I’ll stand by that unless someone can prove me wrong. 🙂

140625-01Yah, I was hungry this morning. It was way too much. Gosh, this picture is making me hungry.

St. Louis Drive-In – Kaimuki, Hawaii

St. Louis Drive-In serves up some real hole in the wall goodness. Okay, I can’t comment on their entire menu but I do enjoy getting breakfast from them once in a while! It’s a great deal – about five bucks for a breakfast plate AND a soda! I tried to be good and declined the soda. Good ah? 🙂 Anyway, just a quick update and wanted to share how the plate looks.

140301-01I just love the way they pack their food. They place the plate in a pie box with wax paper which is then topped with condiments (i.e. ketchup, shoyu, etc.), utensils and napkins. Perfect way to package the food!

140301-02Hapa Rice, Portuguese Sausage and Eggs. This special specifically comes with scrambled eggs but you can choose how you want your eggs with a few of the other plates.