Fatal Error Fixed!

Gosh you guys. I wanted to update this blog earlier this afternoon but I ran into a mishap! WordPress asked me to do an update which I did…and it cause my whole blog to crash! I’ve spent hours trying to read through support forums and finally was able to fix it for now by replacing one obscure file…it was all too much. I’m just happy I was able to access my blog again to do an update! So last weekend was full-on hibernation mode. I had two final papers due this past week and I am happy to report that I was able to submit both. Thank god. I do plan on taking class again next semester but just one course this time. I’ve got a lot of updating to do! My cousin is back from school again so it has been nice visiting with her. Just a quick update tonight – including another great plate fromĀ Toshi’s Delicatessen & Restaurant. If this place ever closes down, I’ll be super sad. They are definitely one of the last old school ones left – they can’t close down ever!

141221-01My view the past few weeks.

141221-02Yes! This is the way to wrap plates!

141221-04I got a bunch on my plate; saba, teri burger, tofu and their famous chow fun.

141221-03The saba is great, great piece of fish. Had bones so if you get it, be careful. They also let you choose which part of the fish you. The tofu is so flavorful, I loved it. The burger patty was a burger patty, what can I say? But it is definitely homemade so that’s a plus.

141221-05Chow fun! I think I’m going to ask for like at least 2 servings next time. I’m a carb-o-holic. Hope you all are doing well!

5 responses to “Fatal Error Fixed!

  1. Arlene

    I’m glad you fixed the problems with your blog. What a headache for you to deal with when you just wanted to relax.

    Oh my gosh, I didn’t think there was anywhere that still wrapped their plates in paper! I never tried Toshi’s, but that reminds me of Tsukenjo’s lunch wagon. Sadly, I didn’t get to go there that much before they retired the lunch wagon.

  2. Jenny

    Hey Arlene! I am just so thankful I got it to work and didn’t lose everything! I better learn how to back-up my blog!

    I really hope you get to try Toshi’s soon! From what I see, it’s run by two Japanese obachans so I don’t know how long they will stay open…hopefully get next generation to take over. I really enjoy their food!

  3. jalna

    So nostalgic da plate lunch wrapping. Congrats on fixing your WordPress problem. Those forums are a lifesaver, yah. Recently I had a redirect issue where you would get directed to an advertisement every time you tried to access my blog. I learned via the forums that it was a SiteMeter issue. SiteMeter eventually fixed the problem, but I removed it anyway. I don’t trust them anymore.

  4. N

    I was just wondering about Toshi’s. My mom rented from their sister. Where Honolulu Ford is now the family owned that whole place, behind Helena’s original restaurant. It was really old and run down. They had a small little mom and pop store too. It was called Hone Lane so they owned a lotta property in that small area. The Toshi’s sisters were elderly then but their chow funn was so ono and cheap

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