Seiryumon – Maihama, Japan

It is becoming a tradition for me to eat at the Ikspiari Mall either before or after my Tokyo Disney trips. Yes, they are probably rip-off tourist prices here but nothing gets more rip off than Disney – am I right? I just wanted some good ole Taiwanese food so we came to Seiryumon after we were pau with our DisneySea excursion.

If you order a meal set, it comes with egg drop soup and their salad. Those stringy things on top of the salad are like tofu I believe? Really good.

Braised Pork | ¥1,180

Sweet Chili Shrimp with Egg Stir Fry | ¥1,890 (set menu)

Mala Tofu | ¥1,890 (set menu)

Here is the rice but I forgot to take pictures of the vegetables we ordered (you can see them in the back)! I talked about it in my previous post but we also ordered Stir-fried Pea Sprouts but now I’m not sure if it was the same dish as last time. Honestly, they changed their menu a bit since I last visited and I got a little confused. The veggies were good nonetheless!

Krispy Kreme Donuts! There is a Krispy Kreme in the mall so we decided to order some donuts! Aren’t they so cute? The cashier was very sweet and happily encouraging as I went through all my coins to pay. I don’t wanna carry around choke coins! You know what was cool? By the end of the trip, I used up all my coins! Until I got to the dumb airport but that’s another story for another day lol.

5 responses to “Seiryumon – Maihama, Japan

  1. vickinags

    not judging, but 6 donuts for the 3 of you????
    LOL, I guess I gotta disclose that I’m not a donut person.

  2. vickinags

    sorry, I meant 2 of you, but still….more worse!

    • Jenny

      Hahaha called out! We ended up having to throw a few away because it was too much. I hate to waste food but just couldn’t eat em all!!!!

  3. kat

    been to seirymon when they had a shop near universal osaka many many moons ago, don’t remember the food but remembered the wild interior

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